This is a sample of the grainjar main navigation. We used a small dark green navigation bar with a white logo.
This is a sample of the product detail page on the grainjar website. Spacing and interactive elements such as flavour and size selection are important to consider.
Sample code
<button class = "button"> honey </button>
<button class = "button"> mixed berry </button>
Author : Joanne Kim
This is a sample of the checkout module at grainjar. Forms must be concise and labels must be legible to clearly communicate usage to users.
Qty :1
Sample code
<label for = "email"> Email </label>
<input type = "text" id = "email" name = "email">
Author : Sophia Wang
Our grid system is composed of 8 flexible columns with variable gutter sizes: 22 px for the navigation, 44 px between filter options and 66 px between product grid items. The left and right margin are both 125 px from the edge.
Author : Joanne Kim